nonstop gibberish
How do you create excitement about the re-launch of Cini Minis at Burger King without spending any media dollars? You tweet gibberish nonstop for 24 hours and watch Twitter go crazy with speculation before announcing what it was all about. At the time of publishing, this was the best performing organic tweet in @BurgerKing’s history.
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The Takeout
The tweets
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) November 28, 2018
so about yesterday:
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) November 29, 2018
- we were sober
- we didn’t get hacked
- the intern didn’t go rogue
- a cat didn’t run on the keyboard
⚠️CINI MINIS are back⚠️ you try typing with icing on your hands...
the replies
We received over 40,000 comments, here are some of our favorites.
it's not what you think
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) November 30, 2018
01001000 01100101 01100001 01110010 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00101110
— Hooters (@Hooters) November 28, 2018
You alright?
— Red Robin (@redrobinburgers) November 29, 2018
Good point.
— DiGiorno (@DiGiorno) November 28, 2018
big if true!
— Netflix US (@netflix) November 29, 2018
BK, did you just burp?
— Little Debbie (@LittleDebbie) November 28, 2018
We're here to help...
— LeapFrog (@LeapFrog) November 28, 2018
You millennials and your slang...
— Mr. Peanut (@MrPeanut) November 28, 2018
Best tweet of 2018
— Lane Scott Arnold (@To_The_Nations) November 29, 2018
Exactly. Well said.
— iFunny :) (@iFunny) November 28, 2018
Microsoft thought this was Finnish.
— Liam Newberry (@Bobbluered) November 29, 2018
that's my favorite menu item
— Oreo (@KungFuCarafu) November 30, 2018
— Budweiser (@budweiserusa) November 28, 2018
When you turn the console off while the game is still saving
— Electronic Arts (@EA) November 28, 2018
Steak-umm bless *wink emoji*
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) November 28, 2018
The cipher is strong.
— Checkers & Rally's (@CheckersRallys) November 28, 2018
Makes far more sense than our President.
— Groundviews (@groundviews) November 28, 2018
Finally, a response to this. Thank you @BurgerKing!
— Shahed Chowdhuri @ Microsoft (@shahedC) November 28, 2018
same dude, same.
— YouPorn Katie 🐝 (@YouPorn) November 28, 2018
There's a new virus in the database.
— Mixer (@WatchMixer) November 28, 2018
Microsoft Finnish translation: "Yeah, I got nothing."
— Blair Einfeldt (@blaireinfeldt) November 28, 2018
we've been there
— Archie Comics (@ArchieComics) November 28, 2018
Everyone trying to figure out the @BurgerKing tweet, yet no one looked at their prior tweet. They obviously figured out the meaning of life and shared it, so people can now tackle the more important dilemma of boredom and hunger... 🤔🤣
— Daniel W. Dieterle (@Cyberarms) November 28, 2018
cheat code to unlock unlimited @BurgerKing menu items:
— Battlefy (@Battlefy) November 28, 2018
As a social media manager, I’m frequently told by my higher-ups to be overly meticulous when it comes to wording, grammar, branding and strategy for every single post.
— Zack Waldman (@ZackWaldman) November 29, 2018
This tweet from @BurgerKing has over 30K likes in seven hours. I want to crawl up into a ball and cry.
Leave it to Burger King to make us all think they broke just to sell some yummy cinnamon rolls.
— IrradiatedReaper ビッグペニス (@gottagofast181) November 29, 2018
College: “marketing is difficult and your message must be carefully composed”
— Dwellington (@dw12wp) November 28, 2018
Burger King: “hold my whopper.”
Taking notes on how to run a modern corporate Twitter account
— Digital Leisure (@digitalleisure) November 28, 2018
Someone needs to give whoever handle's @BurgerKing 's Twitter a raise because they are doing it right 👌
— Brandon Fox (@Slash50Fox) November 29, 2018
Media Manager: Okay, what is something quick we can do to interact on social media and show we are active and can be fun?
— Jet Targaryen (@dragonsjet) November 28, 2018
Intern #1: Just mash all the keys on the keyboard and tweet it, they'll love it
Someone got it right!
Does this mean Cini-Minis are back??
— Nick Barker (@ItsBarkBark) November 28, 2018