
Is the new Sourdough King a Burger? Or is it a Sandwich? That was the first thing we asked ourselves when we got the brief. After two weeks of concepting we still weren't sure, so we decided to let the Internet debate the issue to find out.

Because if there’s one thing the internet loves, it’s a good debate. Like Yanny or Laurie. Or the blue and black dress. Or was it actually gold and white? Depends on how you see it, just like the Sourdough King.



launch film

We staged a debate with real customers inside a Burger King and filmed it to create our launch film.


Online polls

We created polls on Facebook, Twitter and as an Instagram story to get the conversation started online..

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barstool collaboration

To help spread the word we worked with Barstool Sports and had them create and push out content on their platform.

online reactions



Agency: Mullen Lowe
CD: Jon Ruby, Enrique Camacho
Senior Art Director: Pier Madonia
Senior Copywriter: Evan Maranca